FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Please Note: These are not Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), rather they are questions that you or others may have. Thanks for your understanding.

1. Who are you?
Hi, I'm Kris Kemp. I'm a writer, copywriter, ebook author, musician, photographer, traveler, creative entrepreneur, and digital marketing enthusiast.
I have a variety of interests that share the common theme of freedom--creative freedom, financial freedom, travel/location freedom, health freedom, and more.
In the area of digital marketing, I specialize in writing ebooks and copywriting for squeeze pages, landing pages, and email marketing sequences.
In the area of lead generation, I help freelancers and small businesses build their audience (customers and clients) and grow their profits using low-cost and no cost techniques, that can be used in any market, and in any economy.
To help others learn the basics of digital marketing, and to earn money online, I've put together a bundle of ebooks that I've written, along with hundreds of ebooks that I have permission to sell, into the Digital Marketing Made Simple™ Ebook Bundle, a collection of 285 ebooks that will show you how to build an audience and grow your profits, and generate leads, customers, clients, using low-cost and no-cost techniques.
Click here to find out more about the Ebook Bundle. As it comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, it's worth trying out. I've even put my personal email and phone number on this website, so you can contact me if you have any questions.
2. How can I contact you?
email: KrisKempCreative@gmail.com
email: bicycledays@yahoo.com
phone: 347-557-5487 (please text first)
3. What happens after I buy the Ebook Bundle?
1) After you click the "Checkout with PayPal" button, you will be asked for your PayPal account or credit card to complete the purchase. This is a safe, secure transaction and your credit card information will not be stored.
2) Once you put in your credit card information and click the button to finalize the purchase, you will get immediate access to the Ebook Bundle.
3) The Ebook Bundle is stored at a website. Visit the website and bookmark it on your computer, laptop, tablet, smart phone.
4) Click on the ebook links to open up the websites. Each ebook is stored on an individual website as a PDF (Portable Document File).
5) You can bookmark the individual websites and you can download the PDF ebook by right-clicking the mouse or mouse pad and clicking the "save as" or "download to" option in the drop down menu.
6) If you have any questions, feel free to email me, anytime, at: KrisKempCreative@gmail.com or bicycledays@yahoo.com
Click here to find out more about the Digital Marketing Made Simple™ Ebook Bundle.
4. What do I get with the Ebook Bundle?
You'll get instant access to The Digital Marketing Made Simple Ebook Bundle, 285 ebooks, a $6,285 dollar value, that reveal the insider secrets to getting unlimited customers and clients for your business, along with a plethora of moneymaking strategies that 95% of people, including your competitors, don't know about.
Even though this ebook bundle sells for only $97 dollars, the actual value of these ebooks are in the tens-of-thousands of dollars, as they reveal the powerful strategies you you can use to make money online or offline in a variety of categories--Lead Generation, Email Marketing, Landing Page Consulting, Life Coaching, Natural Health Coaching, Budget Travel Consulting, Real Estate Investing, Making Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) and much, much more!
5. Does this Ebook Bundle reveal strategies for making money online?
Yes. The Ebook Bundle reveals strategies for making money online in a variety of categories. Find the category that excites you and read the ebooks in that category.
These ebooks reveal the knowledge, the tools, and the systems you can use to make money, online of offline, from anywhere in the world, and in any economy. It's a Knowledge College™ that you can use over and over again.
Tired of being confined to one place? Tired of working a job that's sucking the life out of you?
Get access to the skills, the tools, the systems, that you can use to make money online and work from anywhere in the world.
6. How can I make money with these ebooks?
As you explore the various ebooks within each category, you'll find yourself saying "a-ha" as you discover new ways to put together these categories, to niche down and create new categories in order to make money online.
For example, you can study "The Ultimate Email Marketing Sequence Template BluePrint" and combine this with the "NLP / Psychology / Mindpower" ebooks to establish yourself as an "NLP Focused Email Marketing Consultant".
You can read "The Ultimate Landing Page BluePrint" ebook and also read the "NLP" ebooks and combine the knowledge and technologies of both to brand yourself as an "NLP Focused Landing Page Creator".
The possibilities are almost unlimited. Think about it.
Get the Digital Marketing Made Simple™ Ebook Bundle and get Instant Access to 285 ebooks that reveal the strategies you can use to make money online and work from anywhere in the world.
These ebooks reveal the "done-for-you" strategies that you can use to get unlimited customers and clients, along with a plethora of moneymaking strategies that 95% of people, including your competitors, don't know about.
Even though this ebook bundle sells for only $97 dollars, the actual value of these ebooks are in the tens-of-thousands of dollars, as they reveal the powerful strategies you you can use to make money online or offline in a variety of categories--Lead Generation, Email Marketing, Landing Page Consulting, Life Coaching, Natural Health Coaching, Budget Travel Consulting, Real Estate Investing, Making Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) and much, much more! . Order with confidence.
7. Is there a money-back guarantee?
Yes. There is a 30-day money back guarantee. If, for any reason, you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can contact us at: bicycledays@yahoo.com to request a refund. As there is a 30-day money back guarantee, this is a zero-risk purchase. Order with confidence.
8. How do I contact you?
email: bicycledays@yahoo.com
email: KrisKempCreative@gmail.com
text/call: 347-557-5487 (please text first)
9. Do you have an affiliate program?
Yes. It's free to join and you can earn $43.50 a sale. Visit: https://yourownprivateatm.com/make-money-online/ to find out more.
10. Can you guarantee that I will make money if I buy your Ebook Bundle?
No guarantees of making money online or offline from the purchase of this Ebook Bundle is expressed or implied. Although these ebooks offer the knowledge, the skills, the tools, and the systems one can use to make money online or offline, results--financial and otherwise--cannot be guaranteed.
Thank you for considering purchasing this Ebook Bundle and thank you for understanding that guarantees of wealth or moneymaking from the purchase of this Ebook Bundle is not expressed nor is it implied.
11. What can I learn from these ebooks?
These ebooks reveal the secrets to getting unlimited customers and clients eager to buy your product or service. You can use these amazing discoveries to skyrocket your profits!
12. Are these ebooks for everyone?
These ebooks are not for everyone, only for those who are eager to read them, follow the steps, take action, and be rewarded with a flood of clients and customers as a result.
One more thing
If you're tired of being confined to one place and working a job that's slowly draining the life out of you, then it's time for you to make a change.
Order the Digital Marketing Made Simple™ Ebook Bundle and get instant access to the skills, the tools, and the systems you can use to make money online, so you can work from anywhere in the world.
Try it out. It comes with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, or you get your money back. I've even put my personal email and phone number on the website, so you can email or text me if you have any questions or concerns.
As this comes with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, this is a zero-risk offer. So, order with confidence!
The small amount I'm charging for these valuable strategies will eventually disappear one way or another. However, buying this Ebook Bundle and putting it to use just might change your life in profound and significant ways.
Think about it.
Click here to find out more.

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