Use These 101 Profitable Headlines to Boost Your Conversion Rates by 78%

Is it possible to boost your *conversion rates by 78%?

(*Conversion – converting an indifferent prospect (cold lead) to a warm (eager-to-purchase) prospect who buys your product or service)

Yes, it is not only possible, it is probable.

It all starts with a headline–a statement that arouses curiosity or a call-to-action that demands an answer or both of these combined.

The well-crafted headline carries considerable weight, even in today’s digital age.

It “nags” you, sometimes “forces” you, to click the link to begin reading the story.

A well-written headline does a number of things. It employs emotion by using strong action verbs, often incorporating embedded commands. It incites curiosity. It uses contrast to tell a story. It creates open loops. Although it often blends a variety of techniques, the main objective is this: to capture the reader’s attention by offering a solution to a problem.
– Kris Kemp

Use the headline-writing strategies on your …

email subject lines
landing pages
opt-in forms
blog posts
and anywhere else

to capture your reader’s attention and get them to …

read your article
watch your video
opt-in with their email,
buy  your product or service.

Use These 101 Profitable Headlines to Boost Your Conversion Rates by 78%

1.  who else
Who else wants checks to their mailbox every month?
Who else wants (benefit/result) to their (mailbox/inbox) every (time/day/week/month)?
Who else wants a flat stomach in 30 days?
Who else wants (benefit/result) in (time)?

2.  the secrets
5 Secrets your Travel Agent Doesn’t Want You to know about
(number) secrets your (speciality business person) doesn’t want you to know about
5 Secrets your Travel Agent Isn’t Telling you about Europe
(number) secrets (speciality business person) isn’t telling you about (place)
3 Secrets your Doctor Isn’t Telling You about Weight Loss
3 Things your  Realtor Isn’t Telling you about Buying Land

3.  reveals everything
Tony Robbins reveals everything about the power of persuasion.
(celebrity/specialist) reveals (everything/the truth/the dirty little secrets) about (topic/product/industry).
Tony Robbins reveals the dirty little secrets about the power of persuasion.
Celebrated author reveals the dirty truth about the publishing industry.

4.  If a college dropout
If a college dropout can do it, so can you.
If a (category of person) can do it, so can you.
If a (college dropout/homeless/15-year old/debt-ridden dishwasher) can do it, so can you
If a (category of person) can do (action), so can you
If a college dropout can flip houses, so can you
If a college dropout can build an online business, so can you
If a (category of person) can do (action), you can do it, too
If a college dropout can flip houses, you can do it, too
If a college dropout can learn how to make money online, you can do it, too

5.  the cry
This Diet Plan will make you cry
This (product/service) will make you (emotional reaction)
This Email Marketing Strategy will Shock you to the core
This Real Estate Investing Strategy will Shock You
This Simple Weight Loss Strategy will Change your Life

6.  I was surprised
I was surprised when I got/saw my first online payment
I was (emotional reaction) when I (verb) (result)
I was surprised when I got/saw my first online payment
I was shocked when I got/saw my first online payment
I was surprised when I saw the numbers on the scale

7.  blank don’t blank
________ , don’t ___________
(action verb) don’t (action verb)
Attract don’t chase
Sleep don’t stress
Relax don’t worry
Relax don’t overthink

8. blank eliminates blank
_______ eliminates _________
(noun) eliminates (noun)
Love eliminates fear
Action eliminates fear. © Carrie Snyder (This is her quotes, so if you want to use it, ask her first.)

9.  use blank and blank to blank
Use _______ and _______ to engage your audience
Use (this) and (this) to (action)(audience/group)
Use humor and curiosity to grow your email list
Use humor and curiosity to engage your email list

10.  blank is the only blank that matters
___________ is the only cologne that matters
(this product/service) is the only (category) that matters
Confidence is the only cologne that matters © Kris Kemp (feel free to use this for non-commercial purposes; otherwise, contact me at
Money/Wealth is the only Aphrodisiac that matters/works

11.  When it comes to ________, __________ counts
When it comes to safety ________ makes all the difference
When it comes to safety, quality makes all the difference.
When it comes to family, time counts.
When it comes to emergencies, seconds count

12.  the rethink 
It’s time to rethink social media marketing
It’s time to rethink (this industry, Facebook marketing, Google +)
It’s time to rethink trendy advertising strategies

13.  the I was
I was wrong about Google +
I was wrong about (this industry, website, marketing technique)
I was wrong about NetFlix and that’s Good for You
I was wrong about (this industry) and that’s (emotion) for you

14.  if you want 
If you want to lose weight, you need to quit eating this
If you want (result, desired outcome) you need to quit (action)

15.  how to make yourself
How to make yourself (characteristic, trait, result, desired outcome)
How to make yourself happy 
How to make yourself rich

16.  how to make yourself _______ in ________ days
How to make yourself (characteristic ,trait, result, desired outcome) in (number)(time period)
How to make yourself skinny in 30 days
How to make yourself rich in 30 days

17.  how to make yourself _______ in _______ days: a simple guide
How to make yourself skinny in 30 days: a simple guide
How to make yourself rich in 30 days: a simple guide
How to make yourself rich in 30 days:  a foolproof guide

18.  the introduce
Introducing Charles Paul, a Clothing Designer for the Distinctive Man
Introducing (new product, technology, service, brand), a (business, category) for (target audience)
Introducing The Hooked! CopyWriting System, a Marketing Strategy for 2018

19.  the when will
When will Donald Trump and Obama meet for Lunch?
When will (celebrity, brand, website) and (celebrity, brand, website) (verb) (result)
When will Google + get the Attention it Deserves?
When will Bill Gates sell Microsoft?

20.  is it true
Is it true that Donald Trump is quitting the presidency?
Is it true that (celebrity, website, brand) (action verb) (result)?
Is it true that Bill Gates is actually a robot?
Is it true that Steve Jobs is still alive?
Is it true that Bill Gates had a Mac Operating System installed into his brain?

21.  we’re from the future
We’re from the future, and we’ll show you how to get there © Kris Kemp
We’re from (place) and we’ll show you how to get (place)

22.  is this the future 
Is this the future of advertising?
Is this the future of (industry, brand, technology)
Is this the future of makeup?
Is this the future of social media?
Is this the future of marketing?
Is this the future of travel?
Is this the future of weight loss?

23.  is this the face
Is this the face of modeling for 2018?
Is this the face of (industry, brand) for (year)
Is this the face of social media for 2018?

24.  meet the face
Meet the face of modeling for 2018
meet the face of (industry) for (year)
Meet the face of advertising for 2018
Meet the new face of advertising for 2018

25.  don’t wanna do this anymore
I don’t wanna do marketing anymore: confessions of a burned out advertising exec
I don’t wanna do (action, industry)(anymore, ever again)
I don’t wanna do modeling anymore:  confessions of a burned out model

26.  I’m tired of
I’m tired of building websites
I’m tired of (action, industry)

27.  don’t be this guy
Don’t be this guy:  10 things not to do if you want to keep a girlfriend
Don’t be this (category of person) : (number) things (not to do, to do) (if you want) (desired outcome)

28.  how I learned to hate 
How I Learned to Hate Eating Meat: my true story
How I Learned (outcome, result): my true story

29.  confessions of a
Confessions of a professional model:  5 things you might want to know
Confessions of a (professional, amateur, part-time, full-time)(industry, profession) : (number) things you might want to know
Confessions of a NYC extra:  10 Things you might want to know

30.  my hands are
My hands are cold:  What does this mean?
My (body part) are (symptom, cold, hot, tingling) : what does this mean?
My fingers tingle:  What does this mean?

31.  how I got my
How I got my girlfriend back
How I got my (desired result, outcome)
How I got my girlfriend back:  a true story

32.  from ______ to ________
from fat to thin in 90 days:  what I did
from (former condition, previous physical/mental state) to (current condition, current physical/mental state, desired outcome) in (number) (time, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months) : what I did
from introvert to extrovert in 30 days:  what I did

33.  you don’t have to be
you don’t have to be (condition)
you don’t have to be fat
you don’t have to be poor
you don’t have to be lonely

34.  it’s time to tell you the truth
it’s time to tell you the truth about (industry)
it’s time to tell you the truth about email marketing
it’s time to tell you the truth about the beauty industry
it’s time to tell you the truth about getting white teeth
it’s time to tell you the truth about toothpaste

35.  spills the beans
well-known weight loss coach spills the beans 
(celebrity)(spills the beans, reveals the truth, tells all)

36. the most embarrassing thing I said 
the most embarrassing thing I said when on a date
the most (emotional) thing I said when on a/an (activity)
the most embarrassing interview I ever did

37.  funniest moments
(industry)(emotional) moments
Golf’s funniest moments: A 2018 Roundup
Newscasters Funniest Moments:  A 2018 Roundup

38.  caught on tape
Caught on Tape:  Donald Trump’s private meltdown
Caught on (tape, live TV, video, audio):  (celebrity, industry titan) (action)
Caught on Live TV:  NewsCasters Meltdown 
Caught on Video:  the moment one child slips into the Gorilla exhibit at the zoo

39.  the best of
The Best Quotes on Advertising for 2018
The best (quotes, lines, advice) on (industry) for (year)

40.  don’t be
Don’t be (first type, character, trait).  Be (type, character, trait).  Why no one cares about (first type, character, trait) anymore …
don’t be the nice guy.  be the bad boy.  why nice guys get overlooked and bad guys get looked over
Don’t be nice.  Be interesting.  Why no one cares about nice anymore. © Kris Kemp

41.  what I learned
What I learned from working at the Post Office for One Week
what I learned from (action) at the (industry) for (number)(hours, days, months)
what I learned from working as a substitute teacher for a month
what I learned from working as a fashion photographer’s assistant for a year
what I learned from working as a copywriter for a year

42. why being  
Why being snobby is so 90’s
Why being (character trait, personality type) is so (adjective)
Why being a slob is so 2000’s

43. why being blank is blank
Why being (description) is so (adjective)
Why being the perfect dresser is so 2010
Why being late is so 2010
Why being punctual is so 2015

44. the reinvention of 
the reinvention of (industry) : what happened in (year)
the reinvention of Facebook:  what happened in 2018

45. how being blank taught me blank
How being (action) taught me (result)
How being quiet taught me humility
How being an extrovert taught me to true happiness
How being an early riser taught me discipline

46. reinvent your
Reinvent your style for $25 a month
Reinvent your (category) for (number)(time period)
Reinvent your body for $25 a month
Reinvent your diet for $10 a week

47.  you won’t believe
You won’t believe what happened to Jim Carey on the last SNL
You won’t believe what happened to (celebrity) on (appearance)
You won’t believe what happened to Tom Cruise on the Today Show

48.  they laughed at him
They laughed at him.  They’re not laughing any more.
They laughed at Tom Cruise.  They’re not laughing any more.
They laughed when he said he’d lose weight.  They’re not laughing any more.

49.  what happened
What happened to Tom Cruise – surveillance videos are hard to believe
what happened to (celebrity) – (videos, pictures) are hard to believe 

50.  the unthinkable happened
The Unthinkable happened to me
The Unthinkable happened to (person in industry)
The Unthinkable happened to Tom Cruise – what he did about it

51.  the unbelievable transformation of 
The unbelievable transformation of Nicholas Cage:  From skinny kid to superstar celebrity
The unbelievable transformation of (well known person) from (former status) to (current status)

52.  from blank to blank
From poor to rich:  How I did it
From (former status) to (current status):  How I did it

53.  worst nightmares
Lottery Winners worst nightmares:  10 stories that will shock you
(industry category) worst nightmares: (number)(stories, videos) that will (shock you, hard to watch)

54.  secret fantasies
Secret Fantasies of Well-Known Actors: #10 will shock you
Secret Fantasies of (description)(industry):(number) will shock you
Secret Fantasies of Highly-Paid Writers
Secret Fantasies of Millionaire Lawyers

55. confessions of
Confessions of a (industry expert) : (number) you need to know
Confessions of an Airlines Pilot: 5 things you should know
Confessions of a Trial Lawyer: 5 things you should know

56.  it’s time
It’s time to talk about your Email Marketing
It’s time to (verb) about your (industry)

57.  I have to tell you the truth
I have to tell you the truth …

58.  I have to tell you the truth about 
I have to (verb) you the truth about (industry)
I have to tell you the truth about copywriting
I have to tell you the truth about healthy hair
I have to reveal the truth about the acting industry

59.  It’s time to reveal
It’s time to reveal the truth about (industry)
It’s time to reveal the truth about Email Marketing

60.  building the perfect
Building the perfect (industry, company, product, service)
Building the perfect Autoresponder Campaign
Building the perfect Autoresponder Campaign:  5 Things you need to know
Building a Landing Page that converts:  5 things you need to know
Building an Algorithm that Determines KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators)

61.  identifying the
Identifying the (descriptive term)(target market) for your (industry)
Identifying the perfect customer for your copywriting business
Identifying the perfect customer for high end menswear fashion

62.  3 things my
3 things my (person in position of authority) never told me about (condition)
3 things my dentist never told me about tooth decay
3 things my Dad never told me about women
3 things my barber never told me about conditioners

63.  how to (verb)
How to Keep in Shape like your Grandparents
how to (action, verb, desired result) like your (category of people)
How to Swing Dance like your Grandparents Did:  5 Easy Tricks

64.  5 things
5 things you never knew about (celebrity, authority figure)
5 things you never knew about Sylvester Stallone

65.  How __________ changed my life
How (action verb, doing this)  (once, twice, every) a (day, week, month) changed my life
How Waking up at 5am every day for a year changed my life
How Eating Vegan for 30 days changed my life 

66. Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes at (industry) : Prepare to be (emotional reaction)
Behind the scenes at a McDonald’s meat processing plant:  Prepare to be shocked

67.  5 reasons to 
5 reasons to (take action, verb, do something) that (authority figure) never told you about
5 reasons to exercise that your trainer never told you about
5 reasons to laugh every day that your doctor never told you about

68.  10 Signs you’re
10 Signs you’re (physical condition, emotional condition, financial status) than you (verb, think you are, realize)
10 Signs you’re Wealthier than you think you are / realize
10 Signs your Happier than you realize

69.  Strategies of the 
Strategies of the Super Rich:  Things you can do right now to bring money into your life
Strategies of the (desired outcome):  Things you can do now to bring (desired outcome) into your life
Strategies of Happy Couples:  Things you can do right now to Bring Love into your life

70.  Mistakes that
Mistakes that became Huge Successes
(negative) that became (positive)
These mistakes became huge successes:  true stories of movie accidents that resulted in box office success

71.  Weirdest Habits of the Rich & Famous
(descriptive term) habits of the (category of people)
Weirdest habits of Famous Actors:  #3 will make you laugh

72.  the _______ next door
The (category, industry) next door
The millionaire next door
The assassin next door

73.  Confessions of a ________ turned _________
Confessions of a (category) turned (category)
Confessions of a hitman turned priest
Confessions of a mailroom clerk turned CEO

74.  the best advice
the best advice I ever got from (category, industry)
The best advice I ever got from Elon Musk

75.  ______ your ______ with these ______ tips
Increase your productivity with these 5 tips
Double your income with these 5 tips

76.  Building the Perfect _______
(verb) the perfect (industry, category) : (number) you need to do right now
Building the Perfect Website: 5 things you need to do right now
Building the Perfect website: 5 tools you need right now
Building the perfect Instagram Page:  5 tools you need right now

77.  Building a _____ that ______
(verb) a (category) that (desired outcome, result) : 10 things/tools You need to do right now
Build a Landing Page that Converts: 10 things you need to do right now
Building an email marketing campaign that converts: 10 things you need to do right now
Building a business that makes $10k a month:  10 things you need to do right now

78.  Building a ______ that _____ : How I did it
(verb) a (category) that (desired outcome, result) : How I did it
Build a business that earns $10k a month:  How I did it

79.  Want ______ ?  Do this!
Want (desired outcome, result)? Do this!
Want love in your life?  Do this!
Want to earn an extra $5k a month?  Do this!
Want to build and audience and grow your profits? Do this!

80.  Is _____________ overrated?  10 __________ share their stories
Is (desired outcome, result) overrated?  10 (category with desired outcome) share their stories
Is being a millionaire overrated?  10 millionaires share their stories
Is being famous overrated?  10 celebrities share their stories
Is being a celebrated, published author overrated?  10 authors share their stories

81.  A day in the life of 
A day in the life of (target market celebrity, well-known person, authority figure)
A day in the life of Tony Robbins
A day in the life of Elon Musk
A day in the life of Oprah Winfrey

82.  Sick of _______ Do these
Sick of being tired?  Do these 3 things to get unlimited energy
(negative verb) of being (negative result)?  Do (number)(activity) to get (desired outcome, positive result)

83. 7 lessons
7 lessons I learned from working at McDonald’s
7 lessons (verb) from (verb)(industry, job category, name of store/company)
7 lessons I learned from working as a Copywriter

84.  Shortcuts to a 
shortcuts to a 6-figure salary:  5 entrepreneurs share their strategies
shortcuts to a (desired outcome, result) : (number) (industry professionals, successful people) share their strategies
shortcuts to a slim figure: 5 stay-at-home mom’s share their strategies
shortcuts to a successful Instagram page:  5 influencers share their strategies
shortcuts to a successful email marketing campaign: 5 creatives share their strategies
shortcuts to healthy and shiny hair: 5 hair models share their strategies
shortcuts to a 5-figure online monthly income: 5 entrepreneurs share their best strategies

85.  Why I’ll never
Why I’ll never eat at McDonald’s again:  A former employee spills the beans
Why I’ll never (action)(industry, profession) again: A former employee (spills the beans, reveals the truth, tells all)
Why I’ll never see a chiropractor again:  A former athlete spills the beans

86.  Confessions of a 
Confessions of a NYC extra: Everything You need to Know about working full-time as an extra in NYC
Confessions of a (industry, profession) : everything you need to know about (industry, profession)
Confessions of a NYC extra: 10 Things you need to know about working as an extra in NYC
Confession of a NYC model: 10 Things the industry doesn’t want you to know about
Confessions of a Celebrity Hairstylist:  Hilarious stories that are hard to believe

87.  From a 
From (negative circumstance) to (positive circumstance) : How I learned to (verb)(positive outcome, desired result)
From homeless to CEO at Wells Fargo: How I Learned to Rise Above my circumstances

88.  Is really good
Is orange juice really good for you?  5 former orange juice drinkers share their stories
Is (product, condition, activity) really good for you?
Is working out really good for you?  5 gym members share their stories
Is being an introvert good for you?  5 introverts share their stories

89.  Double your
Double your profits with this one secret trick
(Action verb) your (result, desired outcome) with this (number)(trick, hack, shortcut)
Double your productivity with this one secret hack
Increase your productivity with this one secret hack
Double your dating with this one secret hack
Double your income with this one secret hack

90.  How I learned
How I Learned to Stop Eating Sugar:  3 Techniques I Used to Kick the Sugar Habit
How I Learned to stop (negative action): (number)(techniques, ways, steps, method, tricks) I used to kick (negative action)
How I Learned to Stop Being Codependent:  3 Valuable Techniques I Employed to Gain Perspective

91.  Everything you know about 
Everything you know about coffee is wrong:  3 Facts that will Amaze You
Everything you know about (subject, industry, topic) is wrong:  (number) facts that will (amaze, shock, horrify, astound) you

92.  Is this the End of 
Is this the End/Death of Facebook?  3 Social Media Marketing Titans Think So
Is this the End of (industry, topic, brand, category) : (number)(experts, industry titans, authority figures) think so
Is this the End of Traditional TV Advertising?  3 Million Dollar Advertising Agencies Think so

93.  10 Best for
10 Best Jobs for Introverts:  2018 Guide
(number) (description) (desired outcome) for (category of people) : (year) guide
5 Worst Jobs for Introverts:  2018 Guide
10 Best Jobs for SneakerHeads:  2018 Guide
5 Best Jobs for Camping Enthusiasts: 2018 Guid

94.  The opportunity
The Billion Dollar CryptoCurrency Opportunity No Ones Talking About
The (number, dollar amount) (brand, category, industry) opportunity (no one, everyone, most people) are (talking about, missing, ignoring, forgetting)

95.  The Secret
The Secret Life of Bill Gates
The Secret Life of (celebrity, authority figure, well-known person, industry titan)
The Secret Life of Bill Gates : Former Housekeeper Tells All
The secret life of (celebrity, authority figure, industry titan) : former (employee) tells all

96.  After watching
After watching this video, you’ll never want to eat meat again
After (watching, seeing) this video, you’ll never want to (action) again
After seeing this video, you’ll never eat sugar again
After watching this webinar, you’ll never spend money on paid traffic again

97. If you use
If you use _______ , you need to know the _________
If you use toothpaste, you need to know the truth/facts
If you use deodorant, you need to know the facts
If you use white sugar, you need to know the truth
If you use shampoo, you need to know the facts

98. 7 lessons
7 lessons I learned from working at ______________
7 lessons I learned from working at McDonald’s
7 lessons I learned from working as a college counsellor
7 things I learned working as a public school teacher

99. Use this one tip
Use this one tip to (desired outcome)(time)(action)
Use this one tip to lose weight fast
Use this one tip to boost testosterone fast
Use this one tip to get a flat stomach in 7 days
Use this one tip to stop hair loss immediately
Use this one tip to lose weight while you sleep
Use this one tip to boost your immune system while you sleep
Use this one tip to start lucid dreaming
Use this one tip to get clear skin fast

100. How Rich Do You Want to Be?
How (desired outcome) do you want to be?
How young-looking do you want to be? (diet plan, skin care product)
How skinny do you want to be? (diet plan)
How late do you want to sleep in until? (work from home course)

101. The Dark Side of ________
The Dark Side of (Celebrity, Famous Person, Political Figure, Industry Titan)
The Dark Side of Steven Colbert
The Dark Side of Lady Gaga
The Dark Side of Kim Kardashian

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

The Power of Words
Use the power of words to tell a story, introduce drama, build tension, raise stakes, and take the reader on a journey.

Throughout the story (of your brand narrative) engage the reader on a deep psychological level …

Curiosity and Humor
Incite curiosity. Add humor.
These two ingredients act as powerful aphrodisiacs in the simmering stew of copywriting. Humor allows the reader, the prospect, to relax, offering an emotional recharge. Curiosity offers excitement, anticipation for “what will happens next” and keeps the reader invested emotionally, engaged in the outcome of the story. Both humor and curiosity keep the reader engaged, preparing him for what comes next …

Create Open Loops
“Open Loops” are the cliffhanger-type endings you see when watching an episodic series on NetFlix. By this point, you’re “drawn into the show”, you care about the characters because you empathize with them. You’re halfway through “the hero’s journey”. You’re invested emotionally. You “need to know what’s gonna happen next! “open loops” (cliffhanger endings, unresolved action, unfinished business).

Get These Headlines Sent to Your Inbox
Sign in with your Name & Email Below

“incredibly useful” – J.B. (Copywriter – NYC)
“like ClickBait on steroids!” – Alex (Website developer – Miami, FL)
“Mind. Blown.” – Jennifer (Marketing Strategist – LA, CA)

Use These Headlines to Make Money Online
Those are the headlines.  Use them in your headlines to double, triple, even quadruple your open rate. Use them in your opt-in forms to collect emails and build an audience. Then, offer them a product or service (high-paying affiliate). Once they make the purchase, you earn a commission.

You can also get these headlines here …

at my website, here:

as a PDF, here:

Use the headline-writing strategies on your …
email subject lines
landing pages
opt-in forms
blog posts
and anywhere else

to capture your reader’s attention and get them to …
read your article
watch your video
opt-in with their email,
buy  your product or service.


About Kris Kemp 29 Articles
Hi. I'm a writer, musician, photographer, traveler, real estate investor, and the author the rails, a novel, ebooks, screenplays, a musical, and a collection of journals. Although I have a variety of interests, they share the common theme of freedom--time freedom, financial freedom, health freedom, location/travel freedom, spiritual freedom.